How To Install Qt Creator On Fedora 29


These two fields allow to specify a different default assignee for ticket opened against this package in bugzilla. Note: The EPEL field is always displayed for packages in the 'rpms' namespace regardless of whether it is used in bugzilla or not. Stepping into Qt sources in Qt Creator (in Ubuntu Linux) Unfortunately this answer is for Ubuntu, and I have been unable to find the equivalent repository items mentioned in the answer in dnf on Fedora 29. The answers to this (Debug into Qt sources) question also seem relevant, except that. Sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-7-jre qtcreator build-essential If you're running Red Hat or Fedora: Open a terminal; Copy the following code into the terminal and hit enter: sudo yum install qt-creator.

Hi all, i use yum install qt-devel qt-doc qt-creator to install qt4 on fedora 20 what command line used to install qt5 The UNIX and Linux Forums. Sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-7-jre qtcreator build-essential If you're running Red Hat or Fedora: Open a terminal; Copy the following code into the terminal and hit enter: sudo yum install qt-creator.

  1. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 x64 (If you have not already).
  2. Download Windows Installer from (Requires subscription)
  3. Run the downloaded installer.

Mac OS X

  1. Download dmg image from (Requires subscription)
  2. Mount the DMG image.
  3. Run

Ubuntu / ArchLinux / Debian / Fedora / CentOS / OpenSUSE / etc

How To Install Fedora 32

  1. Install RedisDesktopManager using Snapcraft.

SSH Keys

To be able to access your ssh keys from RDM please connect ssh-key interface:sudo snap connect redis-desktop-manager:ssh-keys

How to Run

If RDM icon hasn't appeared in your application launcher you can run RDM from terminal /snap/bin/redis-desktop-manager.rdm

Build from source

How to install qt creator on fedora 29 pro

Get source

  1. Install git using the instructions here:

  2. Get the source code: git clone --recursive -b 2019 rdm && cd ./rdm

SSH Tunneling support

How To Install Qt Creator On Fedora 29How

Since 0.9.9 RDM by default does not include SSH Tunneling support. You can create a SSH tunnel to your Redis server manually and connect to localhost:ssh -L 6379:REDIS_HOST:6379 SSH_USER@SSH_HOST -P SSH_PORT -i SSH_KEY -T -N or use pre-built binary for your OS

Build on OS X

  1. Install Xcode with Xcode build tools.
  2. Install Homebrew.
  3. Copy cd ./src && cp ./resources/Info.plist.sample ./resources/Info.plist.
  4. Building RDM dependencies require i.a. openssl, cmake and python3. Install them: brew install openssl cmake python3
  5. Install Python requirements pip3 install -t ../bin/osx/release -r py/requirements.txt
  6. Install Qt 5.9. Add Qt Creator and under Qt 5.9.x add Qt Charts module.
  7. Open ./src/ in Qt Creator.
  8. Run build.

How To Install Qt Creator On Fedora 29 Pro

Build on Windows

How To Install Qt Creator On Fedora 29 Hp

  1. Install Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
  2. Install Qt 5.9.
  3. Go to 3rdparty/qredisclient/3rdparty/hiredis and apply the patch to fix compilation on Windows:git apply ../hiredis-win.patch
  4. Go to the 3rdparty/ folder and install zlib with nuget: nuget install zlib-msvc14-x64 -Version
  5. Install Python 3.7 amd64 to C:Python37-x64.
  6. Install Python requirements pip3 install -r src/py/requirements.txt.
  7. Open ./src/ in Qt Creator. Choose the Desktop Qt 5.9.x MSVC2017 64bit > Release build profile.
  8. Run build. (Just hit Ctrl-B)