Pokemon Dark Violet Gba Download

Pokemon Ultra Violet is a hack of Pokemon FireRed. It is more enjoyable than its predecessor, although it remains the general design and the storyline also.

Pokemon Dark Violet Cheats

Number Pokémon Location/Availability Evolution
001 Bulbasaur Starter Pokémon from Professor Oak Lv18 into Ivysaur
002 Ivysaur Evolve Bulbasaur Lv38 into Venusaur
003 Venusaur Evolve Ivysaur
004 Charmander Starter Pokémon from Professor Oak Lv18 into Charmeleon
005 Charmeleon Evolve Charmander Lv40 into Charizard
006 Charizard Evolve Charmeleon
007 Squirtle Starter Pokémon from Professor Oak Lv18 into Wartortle
008 Wartortle Evolve Squirtle Lv40 into Blastoise
009 Blastoise Evolve Wartortle
010 Pidgey Route 1, Route 2, Viridian Forest Lv18 into Pidgeotto
011 Pidgeotto Route 5, Route 7 Lv36 into Pidgeot
012 Pidgeot Evolve Pidgeotto
013 Rattata Route 1, Route 2, Route 4, Route 22 Lv20 into Raticate
014 Raticate Route 7
015 Spearow Route 3, Route 4, Route 22 Lv20 into Fearow
016 Fearow Route 9, Route 10, Route 11, Route 16, Route 17, Route 18
017 Nidoran (f) Route 3, Route 22 Lv16 into Nidorina
018 Nidorina Evolve Nidoran (f) Moon Stone into Nidoqueen
019 Nidoqueen Evolve Nidorina
020 Nidoran (m) Route 3, Route 22 Lv16 into Nidorino
021 Nidorino Evolve Nidoran (m) Moon Stone into Nidoking
022 Nidoking Evolve Nidorino
023 Mankey Route 22 Lv21 into Primeape
024 Primeape Route 23, Victory Road
025 Igglybuff Route 2 Happiness into Jigglypuff
026 Jigglypuff Safari Zone Moon Stone into Wigglytuff
027 Wigglytuff Cerulean Cave
028 Caterpie Viridian Forest Lv7 into Metapod
029 Metapod Viridian Forest Lv10 into Butterfree
030 Butterfree Evolve Metapod
031 Weedle Viridian Forest Lv7 into Kakuna
032 Kakuna Viridian Forest Lv10 into Beedrill
033 Beedrill Evolve Kakuna
034 Hoothoot Viridian Forest Lv20 into Noctowl
035 Noctowl Evolve Hoothoot
036 Pichu Viridian Forest Happiness into Pikachu
037 Pikachu Safari Zone, Power Plant ThunderStone into Raichu
038 Raichu Power Plant
039 Murkrow Viridian Forest, Route 7, Route 16 Dusk Stone into Honchkrow
040 Honchkrow Evolve Murkrow
041 Geodude Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel Lv25 into Graveler
042 Graveler Rock Tunnel Omega Stone into Golem
043 Golem Evolve Graveler
044 Omanyte Revive fossil at Cinnabar Island Lv40 into Omastar
045 Omastar Evolve Omanyte
046 Kabuto Revive fossil at Cinnabar Island Lv40 into Kabutops
047 Kabutops Evolve Omanyte
048 Onix Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel Metal Stone into Steelix
049 Steelix Victory Road
050 Ekans Route 3 Lv22 into Arbok
051 Arbok Route 23
052 Machop Route 3, Rock Tunnel Lv24 into Machoke
053 Machoke Rock Tunnel, Victory Road Omega Stone into Machamp
054 Machamp Evolve Machoke
055 Magnemite Route 3 Lv25 into Magneton
056 Magneton Power Plant, Cerulean Cave Metal Stone into Magnezone
057 Magnezone Power Plant
058 Sandshrew Mt. Moon Lv22 into Sandslash
059 Sandslash Route 23, Victory Road
060 Cleffa Mt. Moon Happiness into Clefairy
061 Clefairy Evolve Cleffa Moon Stone into Clefable
062 Clefable Cerulean Cave
063 Zubat Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel Lv22 into Golbat
064 Golbat Seafoam Islands, Pokémon Mansion, Cerulean Cave Happiness into Crobat
065 Crobat Evolve Golbat
066 Paras Mt. Moon, Safari Zone Lv24 into Parasect
067 Parasect Safari Zone, Cerulean Cave
068 Gastly In-game Trade (Cerulean City), Pokémon Tower Lv25 into Haunter
069 Haunter Pokémon Tower, Pokémon Mansion Omega Stone into Gengar
070 Gengar Evolve Haunter
071 Psyduck Route 4, Route 6 (Surf, all Rods), Route 9 (Surf), Route 10 (Surf), Safari Zone (Surf) Lv28 into Golduck
072 Golduck Route 4 (Super Rod), Route 6 (Surf, Super Rod), Route 9 (Super Rod), Route 10 (Super Rod), Safari Zone (Super Rod)
073 Poliwag Route 4, Route 6 (Surf, Good Rod) , Safari Zone (Good Rod, Super Rod) Lv25 into Poliwhirl
074 Poliwhirl Route 6 (Super Rod) Water Stone into Poliwrath, Royal Stone into Politoed
075 Poliwrath Evolve Poliwhirl
076 Politoed Evolve Poliwhirl
077 Azurill Route 4, Route 24 Happiness into Marill
078 Marill Viridian City (Surf), Route 22 (Surf) Lv26 into Azumarill
079 Azumarill Viridian City (Surf), Route 22 (Surf)
080 Magikarp Anywhere you can fish (Old Rod) Lv20 into Gyarados
081 Gyarados Anywhere you can fish (Super Rod)
082 Oddish Route 24 Lv25 into Gloom
083 Gloom Evolve Oddish Leaf Stone into Vileplume, Sun Stone into Bellossom
084 Vileplume Evolve Gloom
085 Bellossom Evolve Gloom
086 Sunkern Route 24, Route 25 Sun Stone into Sunflora
087 Sunflora Evolve Sunkern
088 Venonat Route 24, Route 25, Safari Zone Lv27 into Venomoth
089 Venomoth Route 13, Route 14, Route 15, Safari Zone
090 Abra Route 24, Route 25 Lv22 into Kadabra
091 Kadabra Evolve Abra Royal Stone into Alakazam
092 Alakazam Evolve Kadabra
093 Bellsprout Route 25 Lv25 into Weepinbell
094 Weepinbell Evolve Bellsprout Leaf Stone into Victreebel
095 Victreebel Evolve Weepinbell
096 Slowpoke Route 25 Lv29 into Slowbro, Royal Stone into Slowking
097 Slowbro Viridian City (Surf), Route 22 (Surf)
098 Slowking Viridian City (Surf), Route 22 (Surf)
099 Eevee Gift Egg from old lady in Underground Path, Safari Zone Water Stone into Vaporeon, ThunderStone into Jolteon, Fire Stone into Flareon, Sun Dust into Espeon,
Moon Dust into Umbreon,
Moss Dust into Leafeon,
Ice Dust into Glaceon
100 Vaporeon Evolve Eevee
101 Jolteon Evolve Eevee
102 Flareon Evolve Eevee
103 Espeon Evolve Eevee
104 Umbreon Evolve Eevee
105 Leafeon Evolve Eevee
106 Glaceon Evolve Eevee
107 Staryu Vermilion City (Good Rod) Water Stone into Starmie
108 Starmie Evolve Staryu
109 Meowth Route 5, Route 6 Lv28 into Persian
110 Persian Route 11
111 Ponyta Route 5, Route 6 Lv31 into Rapidash
112 Rapidash Cerulean Cave
113 Drowzee Route 5, Route 6 Lv30 into Hypno
114 Hypno Route 11
115 Mime Jr. Route 5 Lv30 into Mr. Mime
116 Mr. Mime Route 21
117 Porygon Game Corner prize Up-Grade into Porygon2 (Up-Grade found in Silph Co.)
118 Porygon2 Evolve Porygon Dubious Disc into Porygon-Z (Dubious Disc given to you
in Silph Co. by NPC after clearing out Team Rocket)
119 Porygon-Z Evolve Porygon2
120 Magby Route 6 Lv30 into Magmar
121 Magmar Pokémon Mansion Omega Stone into Magmortar
122 Magmortar Cerulean Cave
123 Scyther Route 6 Metal Stone into Scizor
124 Scizor Evolve Scyther
125 Hoppip Route 6 Lv25 into Skiploom
126 Skiploom Route 13, Route 14, Route 15 Lv34 into Jumpluff
127 Jumpluff Route 13, Route 14, Route 15
128 Tentacool Pallet Town (Surf), Vermilion City (Surf), Route 12 (Surf), Route 13 (Surf), Route 21 (Surf) Lv30 into Tentacruel
129 Tentacruel Pallet Town (Surf), Vermilion City (Surf), Route 12 (Surf), Route 13 (Surf), Route 21 (Surf)
130 Shellder Pallet Town (Good Rod, Super Rod)
Route 4 (Good Rod, Super Rod),
Route 9 (Good Rod, Super Rod),
Route 24 (Good Rod, Super Rod),
Route 25 (Good Rod, Super Rod) Water Stone into Cloyster
131 Cloyster Evolve Shellder
132 Goldeen Anywhere you can fish (Good Rod), Cerulean City (Surf), Route 4 (Surf), Route 9 (Surf), Route 10 (Surf), Route 24 (Surf), Route 25 (Surf) Lv33 into Seaking
133 Seaking Most places you can fish (Super Rod), Cerulean City (Surf), Route 4 (Surf), Route 9 (Surf), Route 10 (Surf), Route 24 (Surf), Route 25 (Surf)
134 Growlithe Route 8, Route 9, Route 10 Fire Stone into Arcanine
135 Arcanine Route 10
136 Swablu Route 8, Route 9 Lv35 into Altaria
137 Altaria Route 10
138 Voltorb Route 9 Lv30 into Electrode
139 Electrode Route 10, Power Plant
140 Elekid Route 9 Lv30 into Electabuzz
141 Electabuzz Route 10, Power Plant Omega Stone into Electivire
142 Electivire Cerulean Cave
143 Bronzor Rock Tunnel Lv33 into Bronzong
144 Bronzong Victory Road, Cerulean Cave
145 Exeggcute Route 7, Route 8, Safari Zone Leaf Stone into Exeggutor
146 Exeggutor Safari Zone
147 Munchlax Route 7, Route 8 Happiness into Snorlax
148 Snorlax Route 11 (only one)
149 Houndour Route 7 Lv34 into Houndoom
150 Houndoom Evolve Houndour
151 Grimer Celadon City (Old Rod, Good Rod), Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 Lv38 into Muk
152 Muk Celadon City (Super Rod), Route 16, Route 17, Route 18
153 Koffing Celadon City (Surf) Lv35 into Weezing
154 Weezing Evolve Koffing
155 Misdreavus Pokémon Tower Dusk Stone into Mismagius
156 Mismagius Pokémon Tower
157 Cubone Rock Tunnel, Pokémon Tower Lv28 into Marowak
158 Marowak Evolve Cubone
159 Vulpix Pokémon Tower Fire Stone into Ninetales
160 Ninetales Pokémon Tower
161 Tangela Route 21, Safari Zone Lv40 into Tangrowth
162 Tangrowth Safari Zone
163 Rhyhorn Safari Zone Lv42 into Rhydon
164 Rhydon Evolve Rhyhorn Omega Stone into Rhyperior
165 Rhyperior Evolve Rhydon
166 Krabby Route 10 (Good Rod), Route 12 (Good Rod), Route 13 (Good Rod), Route 21 (Good Rod) Lv28 into Kingler
167 Kingler Pallet Town (Super Rod), Cerulean City (Super Rod), Vermilion City (Super Rod), Route 4 (Super Rod), Route 9 (Super Rod), Route 12 (Super Rod), Route 13 (Super Rod
168 Horsea Route 4 (Good Rod), Route 10 (Good Rod), Route 12 (Good Rod), Route 13 (Good Rod), Route 21 (Good Rod) Lv32 into Seadra
169 Seadra Pallet Town (Super Rod), Cerulean City (Super Rod), Vermilion City (Super Rod), Route 4 (Super Rod), Route 9 (Super Rod), Route 12 (Super Rod),Route 13(Super Rod), Route 21 (Super Rod) Royal Stone into Kingdra
170 Kingdra Evolve Seadra
171 Wingull Route 11, Route 12, Route 13, Route 14, Route 15, Pallet Town (Surf), Vermilion City (Surf), Route 21 (Surf) Lv38 into Pelipper
172 Pelipper Route 11, Route 12, Route 13, Route 14, Route 15, Pallet Town (Surf), Vermilion City (Surf), Route 21 (Surf)
173 Diglett Diglett’s Cave Lv40 into Dugtrio
174 Dugtrio Diglett’s Cave
175 Ditto Route 13, Route 14, Route 15
176 Doduo Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 Lv43 into Dodrio
177 Dodrio Route 18
178 Slugma Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 Lv43 into Magcargo
179 Magcargo Route 17
180 Farfetch’d Safari Zone
181 Lickitung Safari Zone Lv46 into Lickilicky
182 Lickilicky In-game Trade (Route 18), Cerulean Cave
183 Kangaskhan Safari Zone
184 Pinsir Safari Zone
185 Feebas Safari Zone (Old Rod) Royal Stone into Milotic
186 Milotic Safari Zone (Super Rod)
187 Happiny Breed Chansey w/ Luck Incense Lv15 into Chansey
188 Chansey Safari Zone Happiness into Blissey
189 Blissey Evolve Chansey
190 Tyrogue Gift Pokémon from Karate King Kiyo Lv20 into Hitmonlee if Attack > Defense, Lv20 into Hitmonchan if Attack < Defense, Lv20 into HItmontop if Attack = Defense
191 Hitmonlee Evolve Tyrogue
192 Hitmonchan Evolve Tyrogue
193 Hitmontop Evolve Tyrogue
194 Lapras Gift Pokémon from Silph Co. employee
195 Seel Seafoam Islands Lv34 into Dewgong
196 Dewgong Seafoam Islands
197 Smoochum Game Corner prize Lv30 into Jynx
198 Jynx Seafoam Islands
199 Aerodactyl Revive fossil at Cinnabar Island
200 Tauros Route 23
201 Dratini Route 23, Game Corner prize Lv50 into Dragonair
202 Dragonair Route 23 Lv64 into Dragonite
203 Dragonite Evolve Dragonair
204 Heatran Mt. Blaze (only one)
205 Articuno Seafoam Islands (only one)
206 Zapdos Power Plant (only one)
207 Moltres Victory Road (only one)
208 Deoxys Birth Island (only one)
209 Mewtwo Cerulean Cave (only one)
210 Mew Faraway Island (only one)

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Pokemon Dark Violet Gba Download

Pokemon Ultra Violet Version Snapshots: Pokemon Dark Violet Pokedex Pokemon Ultra Violet ROM Walkthrough: In the game the cast and crew have been changed, now there will be a leading character which will play the role of hero. Now the whole Storyline of Pokemon Ultra Violet ROM Download is really amazing, by adding the different missions and tasks. Pokemon Dark Violet (Hack) GBA ROM Download: Filename. Pokemon Dark Violet Final 2019 V1 Fixed.zip. Pokemon Dark Violet Final 2019 V1 Fixed. Pokemon Dark Violet - GO PLAY THIS! Yo, y’all should definitely stop reading this right now and go download this game! The creator (and guy who finished the game for him) did such a tremendous job on it. Pokemon Dark Violet is an online GBA game that you can play at Emulator Online. This free Game Boy Advance game is the United States of America region version for the USA. Pokemon Dark Violet is a single title from the many strategy games, fighting games and pokemon games offered for this console.